Corèle V. company inherit responsibilities values of Financière B'Lao (former name is Group Corèle International) Corporation
Most of the Group's return to Foundation B'LAO - Social Non-Lucrative Foundation Education Purpose is to carry out the Group's activities, pioneering Social Responsibility (Life Time Education - Social Security and Housing) and the Environment.
Social Responsibility (Life Time Education - Social Security and Housing)
Responsibility for the Environment
Responsibility for Customers - Partners
Pioneering Freedom
Corelè V. is a member of France's Financière B'Lao Group - the first foreign investment group in Vietnam in 1988 with the first investment license in Vietnam.
Corèle V. inherited the spirit of pioneering of its mother corporation, bringing the French brands adapting closely to the Vietnamese, in all segments.
Corèle V. Company has a unique position, integrated core development of the Group, bringing added value directly to consumers in Vietnam. Based on that positioning, Corèle V. Company professionally invests in market research, modeling, building seasonal collections, building a wide distribution channel, and specialized human resources.
Corèle V. expresses the pioneering, creative and unique spirit that stands out in the international and Vietnamese market.